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Your child has taken up this crazy game called Ultimate Frisbee, now what do you do??? Here is a some info to get you started.

To Practice


1. Forms: We know paperwork is no fun, but we need to take care of the legal stuff first.


You wil need:

  • Club Paricipation Agreement

  • Emergency Contact Form

  • Concussion Form

  • Transportation Form

All of these forms can be found to the right ------->


To Play In The League and/or Tournaments


Your child will still need all of the above list of paperwork. In addition to they, they need a USA Ultimate Membership.


A Youth membership is $36. This allows them to play in all tournaments and league play against other area schools.


A Affiliate Youth membership is $12.50. This allows them to play in league play ONLY. If they sign up for this membership and want to play tournaments, all you have to do is pay the difference. For this membership, choose Wisconsin Ultimate as your affiliate league. State does count as a tournament, so you need a Youth Membership to play at State.


*Links to pay for the membership are above. Just click in the membership you want and you will get taken to the page.*

to font for titles, paragraphs & more.

Be Prepared!!!


Things to make sure your player has for practices...


1. Cleats: we can use almost any kind of cleat. Just make sure they are comfortable for your player and please NO metal cleats or anything with a toe cleat. Soccer cleats are the most common so start there.

2. A white shirt and a dark shirt. We use these to tell teammates apart when we scrimmage. Please no gray. Gray is neither a light or dark. It just confuses everyone.

3. Water. Make sure your player stays hydrated!

4. Disc. We sort of need these to play. It is not the end of the world if they do not have one.

Now it's time for an actual game...what should they have along with the above???

5. Some sort of snack. We want to keep those energy levels up.

6. Their jersey and matching shorts. A team that looks good, feels good.


If you want to come along what should you bring?


1. A chair. Most of the time you will be able to sit on the sidelines with us. Just make sure you are about 5-10 yards behind the sideline. This way no one will get injured if they get close the sideline.

2. Rain gear. This is Wisconsin and we do play in the spring. We also play in the rain unless there is lightning.

3. Any other warm things you want to bring with you, see #2.



Here are the most common words and phrases used in the world of Ultimate Frisbee.


Ultimate: Short for Ultiamte Frisbee. We shorten it becuase the whole thing is a mouthful and Frisbee is a brand name. We just call it Ultimate.


Disc: This is the frisbee. We call it a disc because Frisbee is a brand name. We us discs that are 175 grams made by Ultrastar.


Pull: Think of this like a kickoff in football. This is how the point is started. One team "pulls" to the other.


Backhand: This is a throw that our hand leads the disc forward. Think in terms of tennis. The back of the hand leads the way to this throw. This is also the first throw that players learn.


Forehand/Flick: This is where the disc leads forward. Think of the forehand int tennis. This throw looks like the player is "flicking" the disc to another player. This is the second common throw in Ultimate. This throw is more difficult to master than the backhand.


Vertical Stack: This is an offense that we run to organize cutting lanes for man-to-man defense. In a "Stack" players are basically in a single file line making cuts from the back of the "stack". This line is a vertical line when facing the end zones.


Horizontal Stack: This is another offense that we run to organize cuts when running a man-to-man or we could always use a variation of this with a zone defense. This is where the players will "stack" horizontally with the sidelines.


Force: This is how we establish defense when we play man-to-man. We "force" a thrower towards a sideline to cut off a portion of the field.


Home/Away: This refers the direction we will force the disc to. "Home" our sideline or "Away" the opposing sideline or just the opposite sideline that is not ours.


Cup: This refers to a zone defense where 3-4 players "cup" around the person with the disc. Zone is where defenders are defending an area not necessarily a man.

For Parents

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